Wooden Archery Bow Package Rental
Rent a beginner level wooden archery bow package for 1 week (7 calendar days) to train with or practice with.
You are responsible for picking up the rental and returning it to us in Simi Valley, CA. Address provided upon rental.
This archery equipment rental package includes:
(1) Wooden Riser Recurve Bow
(3) Field Point Arrows (e.g. standard target arrows)
(1) Bow Stringer
(1) Hip Style Quiver
(1) Finger Tab
(1) Arm Guard
(1) Bow Case
We have both right and left eye dominant bows available. Please be sure to select the type that you need as they are not ambidexterous.
- A RIGHT eye dominant bow is held on the wooden riser with the left hand and the string is pulled back with the right hand.
- A LEFT eye dominant bow is held on the wooden riser with the right hand and the string is pulled back with the left hand.
- If you need help figuring out your dominant eye then please visit https://www.allaboutvision.com/resources/dominant-eye-test.htm .
Most of our children's bows range between 10-16 pounds while our adult bows typically are 14-26 pounds in draw weight.
We carry a variety of bow lengths in stock. The following sizes are a general guide for bow length selection.
48" AMO - Small children up to age 6
54" AMO - Children ages 6-10, also suitable as horsebows for adults
62" AMO - Children age 10+ and adults up to 5'8"
66" AMO - Adults and tall teens
Arm Guard, Quiver, and Arrow Colors Vary.
Pickups and returns need to be coordinated at the time of your rental. A member of our staff will reach out to coordinate with you. Please note that we're not Uber. We don't work all the time. Plan ahead before renting to ensure that you know when you are picking up equipment so that it will be ready and available for you. Equipment pickups / returns are normally available Monday through Friday between 10AM and 1PM PST.
The total cost of replacing this set of equipment (insurable value) is $500 USD. If any portions are returned damaged, broken, or modified or not returned then you will be billed.
If you are working on a film set we require a $1M Certificate of Insurance Additionally Insured certificate in the event of equipment loss, damage, or destruction.